Sumit J Darak
IEEE Senior Member
Associate Professor and Dean of Academic Affairs (DoAA), IIIT-Delhi, India
- Jan. 2025: Best Demo Award in COMSNETs 2025. Congratulations Jeet and Jai.
- Dec. 2024: Paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (IEEE TVLSI). Congratulations Neelam.
- Dec. 2024: Best student Paper Award (3rd Position) in IEEE MAPCON. Congratulations Akanksha.
- Dec. 2024: Two Posters and Demo accepted in COMSNETs 2025. Congratulations Jeet, Jai, Ishaan and Asrar.
- Oct. 2024: Best BTP Award in Research Track. Congratulations Daksh Kumar.
- Oct. 2024: Paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC).
- Aug. 2024: Paper accepted in IEEE TAES. Congratulations Aakanksha, Sidharth, Akanksha, and Shobha.
- July 2024: Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) 2024 Winner. Congratulations Jai.
- July 2024: TCS PhD Fellowship (QIF) 2024-2028 Winner. Congratulations Jai.
- July 2024: Publication Chair for IEEE iSES 2024.
- July 2024: Workshop and Demo Exhibits committee member for NCC 2024.
- July 2024: Invited Talks on ISAC at IIIT Bangalore, TCS Research, NIT Patna and NSUT Delhi.
- July 2024: Tutorial on ISAC in SPCOM 2024.
- May 2024: Invited Talks on ISAC at NTU, SUTD and SIT, Singapore.
- April 2024: Paper accepted in IEEE Systems. Congratulations Ishaan and Rohit.
- April 2024: Paper accepted in IEEE JSTSP. Congratulations Akanksha, Aakanksha, and Shobha.
- Mar. 2024: DST-SERB Travel Grant for AICAS 2024. Congratulations Asrar.
- Feb. 2024: Paper accepted in IEEE TCAS I. Congratulations Asrar, and Animesh.
- Feb. 2024: Two papers accepted in IEEE AICAS 2024. Congratulations Asrar, Anurag, Bhavesh and Varun.
- Jan. 2024: Paper accepted in IEEE ISCAS 2024. Congratulations Asrar.
- Jan. 2024: VLSID 2024 Research Forum Award. Congratulations Asrar .
- Dec. 2023: Invited Talk on Multi-Armed Bandit for Integrated Sensing and Communications at DTU, Delhi.
- Nov. 2023: IEEE APCCAS 2023 Design Contest Winner. Congratulations Asrar, Anurag and Bhavesh.
- Nov. 2023: Paper accepted in IEEE TVT. Congratulations Akanksha, Soumya, Sindhu and Shobha.
- Oct. 2023: IIITD Best MTech Thesis Award. Congratulations Animesh.
- Oct. 2023: Paper accepted in IEEE VLSID 2024. Congratulations Asrar, Varun and Bhanu.
- September 2023: Received IIIT Delhi Research Excellence Award 2023
- June 2023: Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) 2023 Winner. Congratulations Asrar.
- June 2023: Paper accepted in IEEE Communications Letters. Congratulations Akanksha, Shobha and Manjesh.
- May 2023: Research grant for project titled NavISense: Design and Prototype of NavIC Signal Processing Accelerator on Heterogeneous System-on-Chip for Remote Sensing. The Co-PI of the project are Dr. Sanat Biswas and Dr. Shobha Sundar Ram, ECE, IIIT Delhi.
- April 2023: Research grant for project titled Radar Enhanced Rapid Beam Alignment for Vehicular Millimeter Wave Communications. The PI of the project is Dr. Shobha Sundar Ram, ECE, IIIT Delhi.
- May 2023: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems. Congratulations Asrar, Abdul, Shakti, Sneh and Marwa.
- January 2023: Research grant for project titled Programmable Cryptosystem for 5G Telecommunication Networks. The PI of the project is Dr. Rinku Shah, CSE, IIIT Delhi.
- January 2023: Runner-up in VLSID 2023 Design Contest for project titled Design and performance analysis of deep-learning augmented channel estimation on System-On-Chip Congratulations Asrar, Animesh and Anurag .
- January 2023: 15-day Winter School on Digital System Design for FPGA and ASIC at IIIT Delhi under the National Academic Immersion Program (NAIP) for MIT WPU Students.
- December 2022: Invited 3-hour Talk at IIT BHU on Algorithms to Intelligent and Reconfigurable Architectures on System on Chip.
- November 2022: Congratulations Himani for IIITD Doctoral Dissertation Award.
- November 2022: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems. Congratulations Rohith, Shivam, Akshay and Animesh.
- November 2022: Two designs selected for Design Contest at VLSID 2023.
- August 2022: Co-chair of the MINDS workshop at COMSNETS 2023. (Website)
- June 2022: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Congratulations Sai.
- June 2022: Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) 2022 Winner. Congratulations Akanksha Sneh, Aakanksha Tewari and Dr. Shobha Sundar Ram.
- May 2022: Delivered guest lecture on "Multi-armed Bandits for Wireless Networks: Introduction, State-of-the-art Works and Potential Research Directions" at DAIICT, Gujrat.
- Feb. 2022: VLSID 2022 Conference Design Contest Winner Congratulations Sidharth and Aakanksha.
- Feb. 2022: COMSNETS 2022 Best PhD Thesis Award Congratulations Himani.
- Oct. 2021: Best paper award (Application-oriented Research Track) in AIMLSystems 2021 Conference Congratulations Piyush, Romesh, Shivam, Danilo and Hem-dutt.
- Oct. 2021: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. Congratulations Mansi, Somya and Himani.
- Aug. 2021: Journal paper accepted in Wireless Networks (Springer). Congratulations Himani.
- Aug. 2021: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics special issue on Advanced Collaborative Technologies for Artificial Intelligence of Things. Congratulations Himani.
- Apr. 2021: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (IEEE TAC).
- Jan. 2021: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. Congratulations Himani.
- Jan. 2021: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. Congratulations Niharika.
- Dec. 2020: MeitY funded project on Joint Radar-Communication Transceiver in collaboration with Dr. Shobha Sundar Ram, IIIT Delhi.
- Dec. 2020: Tutorial accepted in IEEE COMSNETs 2021.
- Dec. 2020: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems. Congratulations Neelam and Sai.
- Dec. 2020: Delivered guest lecture on "Machine Learning on SoC" at KCG College of Technology, Chennai and Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Sept. 2020: IIITD Teaching Excellence Award 2020 for ECE270: Embedded Logic Design (ELD) and ECE510: Digital Hardware Design (DHD).
- Sept. 2020: Delivered guest lecture on "Machine Learning on SoC" at MIT Pune.
- Aug. 2020: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. Congratulations Sai.
- July 2020: Conducted 1-Month 5G PHY training program (~50 contact hours) for industry professionals.
- July 2020: Demo and paper accepted in IEEE 5G World Forum 2020. Congratulations Himani and Rohit.
- June 2020: Organized AICTE-ATAL online FDP on Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms to Architectures for 178 faculty participants.
- May 2020: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT). Congratulations Niharika.
- Feb. 2020: Demo and Paper accepted in IEEE ICASSP 2020. Congratulations Himani.
- Jan. 2020: Best Poster Award, IoT Theme, IIITD RIISE 2020. Congratulations Sai.
- Jan. 2020: Two papers accepted in IEEE ISCAS 2020. Congratulations Sai, Manohar and Praveen.
- Dec. 2019: Paper accepted in IEEE Systems Journal. Congratulations Himani.
- Dec. 2019: Received Core Research Grant (CRG) from DST-SERB for the project titled "Intelligent and Flexible PHY for 5G*".
- Dec. 2019: AICTE-ATAL 5-day Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) at IIIT Delhi.
- Nov. 2019: Open Source SDR Workshop By Ettus Research and National Instruments (NI) at IIIT Delhi.
- Sept. 2019: 2019 IIIT-Delhi Teaching Excellence Awards for ECE111: Digital Circuits (DC) and ECE510: Digital Hardware Design (DHD) based on student's feedback and class strength.
- June 2019: 2019 TCS Research Scholar fellowship for four years. Congratulations Sasha.
- June 2019: Paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Congratulations Rohit.
- June 2019: Paper accepted in IEEE ISWCS 2019. Congratulations Niharika and Himani.
- May 2019: Paper accepted in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Machine Learning in Wireless Communications.
- Mar. 2019: Paper accepted in IEEE Systems Journal. Congratulations Rohit.
- Mar. 2019: NGWiN: International Workshop on Next Generation Wireless Networks, March 8-9, 2019, IIIT-Delhi.
- Jan. 2019: Paper accepted in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. Congratulations Himani and Rohit.
- Jan. 2019: Second-best Poster award at COMSNETS 2019 Congratulations Shivam, Himani and Dr. Subramanyam.
- Jan. 2019: Joint best Graduate Forum awards at COMSNETS 2019 Congratulations Himani and Rohit.
- Jan. 2019: Best Graduate Forum award at ICDCN (20th international conference on distributed computing and networking). Congratulations Rohit.
- Dec. 2018: Organized 6-Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Hardware-Software Co-design at IIIT-Delhi.
- Dec. 2018: Journal paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES). Congratulations Niharika.
- Dec. 2018: Paper accepted in IEEE Communications Letters. Congratulations Rohit.
- Nov. 2018: Paper accepted in IEEE INFOCOM 2019. Core A* Conference.
- Nov. 2018: Two conference papers accepted in URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC 2019), Delhi, India. Congratulations Himani and Shreyata.
- Sept. 2018: 2018 IIIT-Delhi Teaching Excellence Award.
- Sept. 2018: Organized two day workshop on FPGA design flow at IIIT-Delhi.
- June 2018: Niharika received 2018 NI Academic Research Grant for her research proposal "Reconfigurable Filtered OFDM based LDACS for Air to Ground Communication." Congratulations.
- July 2018: Software Defined Radio Workshop in collaboration with Ettus Research at IIIT Delhi.
- Apr. 2018: Congratulations Rohit for best poster award in RS 2018, IIIT-Delhi.
- Mar. 2018: Two conference papers accepted in WiOpt 2018. Congratulations Rohit, Manjesh and Suneet.
- Jan. 2018: Conference paper accepted in IEEE ISCAS 2018. Congratulations Gyan Deep and Payal.
- Dec. 2017: Two conference papers accepted in IEEE WCNC 2018. Congratulations Himani, Rohit and Ankit.
- Dec. 2017: Congratulations Sasha for IIIT-Delhi Best MTech Thesis Award 2017 (ECE).
- Nov. 2017: Congratulations Rohit for selection in Doctoral Symposium @ICDCN 2018 and IRISS 2018.
- Nov. 2017: Journal paper accepted in Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. Congratulations Himani.
- Sept. 2017: Second Best Paper Award for our paper "Reconfigurable Filtered OFDM Waveform for Next Generation Air-to-Ground Communications" at IEEE/AIAA 36th DASC, Florida, USA, 2017. Congratulations Niharika and Carlos.
- July 2017: Two conference papers accepted in IEEE/AIAA 36th DASC 2017. Congratulations Niharika and Sasha.
- July 2017: Paper accepted in IEEE Communications Letters. Congratulations Rohit.
- June 2017: Himani received 2017 NI Academic Research Grant for her research proposal "Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Machine Learning based Automatic Modulation Classifier Testbed for Multi-Carrier Waveform." Congratulations.
- June 2017: Visiting faculty at IIT Bombay.
- May 2017: Journal paper accepted in Wireless Networks (Springer).
- May 2017: Conference paper accepted in VDAT 2017. Congratulations Jasmine.
- April 2017: Young scientist paper award and conference travel grant to attend 32nd URSI-GASS to be held in Montreal, Canada. Congratulations Abhishek and Navik.
- April 2017: Three conference papers accepted in 32nd URSI-GASS to be held in Montreal, Canada. Congratulations Abhishek, Himani and Navik.
- March 2017: Invited Speaker for short term faculty development programme on "Emerging Trends in Computer and Electronics Communications" at AIACTR Delhi.
- January 2017: Conference paper accepted in NCC 2017. Congratulations Sushant.
- November 2016: Journal paper accepted in Wireless Networks (Springer). Congratulations Rohit.
- August 2016: Journal paper accepted in Elsevier DSP. This work was done in collaboration with CentraleSupelec, France and Zhejiang University, China.
- August 2016: Two conference papers accepted in IEEE ANTS 2016. Congratulations Shreyata and Himani.
- August 2016: Conference paper accepted in BDAW 2016. Congratulations Rohit.
- August 2016: Invited journal paper accepted in EAI Trans. on Cognitive Communications. (More Details)
- July 2016: Paper accepted in ISWCS Conference, Poland, 2016. This work was done in collaboration with CentraleSupelec, France.
- July 2016: Two conference papers accepted in ICACCI 2016. Congratulations Sushant and Himani.
- June 2016: Paper accepted in IEEE Potential. Congratulations Abhinav and Aman.
- June 2016: Best Demo Award in CROWNCOM 2016. (Video)
- February 2016: Conference paper accepted in IEEE VDAT 2016. Congratulations Sasha.
- February 2016: Workshop paper accepted in URSI-France Workshop on Energy and Radio Science, 2016. (PDF)
- February 2016: Conference paper and Demo accepted in CROWNCOM 2016.
- December 2015: Visiting professor fellowship from CentraleSupelec, France.
- June 2015: Conference paper accepted in EUSIPCO 2015. (PDF)
- February 2015: Journal paper accepted in Elsevier DSP 2015. (PDF)
- February 2015: DST INSPIRE Faculty Award (2015-2020).