Recent activities
Working on a start-up Zenatix in Energy data analytics - helping consumers monitor and save energy
Power-down drive for energy conservation amongst IIITD students (Feb - March 2014)
Kuldeep Yadav defends his PhD to become my (and IIITD's first PhD graduate). Dr. Vinayak was his primary PhD supervisor.
Co-organized E6 workshop at Comsnets 2014.
Our ITRA-Mobile project titled "HumanSense: Towards Context Aware Sensing, Inference, and Actuation for Applications in Energy and Healthcare" accepted for funding from DEITy
Personal interview covered in a blog
Conducted a survey of more than 1800
homes in Delhi on Energy consumption habits (Summer 2013)
Invited talk on Building Energy Management at i5Talks organized by Mahindra Satyam, July'13