Dr.Sumit Darak

Sumit J Darak

Associate Professor, IIIT-Delhi, India

PhD: Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2009-2013) (PhD supervisor: Prof. Vinod A. Prasad.)

B.E.: University of Pune, India (2003-2007).


Work Experience

13. Jan'24 - Dec.'24 Digital Hardware Design Consultant, Apexplus Tech., Hyderabad
12. June 23 - Present Dean of Academic Affairs (DoAA)
11. Jan'20 - Present Associate Professor, IIIT-Delhi, India
10. June'22 - June'23 SoC Consultant, Apexplus Tech., Hyderabad
9. July'20 - June'23: Chair: UG Affairs, IIIT-Delhi, India
8. Mar'19 - Sept'2021: 5G Architect (Consultant), VVDN Tech.India
7. Jan'15 - Dec'19: Assistant Professor, IIIT-Delhi, India
6. June'17, Dec.'17, June'18: Visiting Researcher, IEOR, IIT Bombay, India
5. Nov'15 - Dec'15: Visiting Faculty, CentraleSupélec, Rennes, France
4. Mar'13 - Nov'14: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CominLabs Excellence Center, Université Europèenne de Bretagne (UEB) and Supélec, France
3. Aug'12 - Jan'13: Intern, EADS Innovation Works (Airbus), Singapore
2. Aug'11 - Nov'11: Visiting Research Student, Massey University, New Zealand
1. Sep'07 - Dec'08: Assistant System Engineer, TCS, India

Honours and Awards

  1. COMSNETs 2025 Best Demo Award.
  2. IEEE MAPCON 2024 Best Student Paper Award (3rd Position).
  3. Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) Winner (2022,2023, 2024).
  4. VLSID 2024 Research Forum Award to Asrar.
  5. IEEE APCCAS 2023 Design Contest Winner.
  6. IIIT-Delhi Research Excellence Awards (2021, 2023).
  7. Elevated to IEEE Senior Member Grade.
  8. VLSID Conference Design Contest Winner (2022, 2023)
  9. COMSNETs 2022 Best PhD Thesis Award and IIITD 2022 PhD Dissertation Award to Himani Joshi.
  10. Best paper award (Application-oriented Research Track) in AIMLSystems 2021 Conference.
  11. IIIT-Delhi Teaching Excellence Awards (based on student's feedback and class strength): ECE270: ELD (2018, 2020), ECE111: DC (2019), ECE510: DHD (2019, 2020).
  12. Second-best poster award at COMSNETS 2019.
  13. 2018 NI (National Instruments) Academic Research Grant.
  14. Second best paper award IEEE/AIAA 36th DASC 2017, Florida, USA.
  15. 2017 NI (National Instruments) Academic Research Grant.
  16. Young scientist paper award and conference travel grant from 32nd URSI-GASS, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 2017.
  17. Best demo award in 11th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM 2016), France.
  18. Visiting professor fellowship, CentraleSupélec, Rennes, France (Nov.-Dec., 2015).
  19. DST INSPIRE faculty award from Government of India for young researchers under 32 years age along with 5 year research grant.
  20. Young scientist paper award and conference travel grant from URSI-France in XXXI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the URSI, Beijing, China, Aug. 2014.
  21. Graduate scholarship for four years to pursue graduate studies at NTU, Singapore.
  22. Best paper award in the IET National Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, Pune, India


Sumit J. Darak received a bachelor’s degree in Electronic and Communication Engineering from Pune University, India, in 2007 and a Ph.D. from the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 2013. He is currently an Associate Professor and Dean of Academic Affairs (DoAA) at IIIT-Delhi, India. Before joining IIIT Delhi, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at CentraleSupélec, France, from March 2013 to November 2014. He worked as a 5G Consultant with VVDN Technologies, Chennai, India, from March 2019 to September 2021. He is working as an SoC Consultant with Apexplus Technologies, Hyderabad, India, since June 2022. His current research interests include the design of efficient algorithms and mapping to reconfigurable and intelligent architectures for wireless, radar and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Dr. Darak is a recipient of the DST Inspire Faculty Award from 2015 to 2020, the Best Demo Award at CROWNCOM 2016, the Second-Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) in 2017, the Young Scientist Paper Award at URSI 2014 and 2017, the Second-Best Poster Award at COMSNETS 2019, Best Paper Award in AIML Systems 2021, Design Contest Award in VLSID 2022 and 2023, IEEE APCCAS 2024 Design Contest Award, and Best Paper Award at IET NCSIPA 2009. From industry, he has received National Instruments (NI) Academic Research Grant in 2017 and 2018, the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship in 2022 and 2023. From government, he has received various research grants from DST, DRDO and MeiTy. At IIIT Delhi, Dr. Sumit is recipient of Teaching Excellence Awards in 2018, 2019 and 2020 along with Research Excellence Awards in 2021 and 2023.
Website Design Credits: Miss. Sonal Bairagi

