debajyotibera: rose is beautiful
akhilg080: so is a lotus
debajyotibera: but the person who is standing in
the moonlight with a rose in her hand is far more
akhilg080: and the reflection of her in the water
with the lotus is more.
debajyotibera: and her thoughts create ripples in
the air which travel o'er the ocean to kiss my ear
akhilg080: her sweet breath fills the air with
fragrance which toxicates you..
debajyotibera: when she laughs the sparkle of the
pearls lights the sky with twilight; the sun need not
rise today
akhilg080: her skin is softer than silk, glowing with
the radiance matched by none.....
debajyotibera: her long hair leaves even the longest
snakes shorter, but each hair dances with the wind
in a perfect symohony
akhilg080: her beautiful eyes twinkle with the
sparkle of love with a innocence never seen before..
debajyotibera: when she steps in woods the dusty
dead leaves feel proud with the touch of her feet, the
greener ones high above long to die to feel that heat
akhilg080: :-)
debajyotibera: but she strangely does not smile
looking at the clown in the circus, it reminds her of
her valentine who has left her during the wars
akhilg080: she aches for his warm touch, his musky
smell which always made her crazy
akhilg080: behind that dazzling smile, there is an
ocean of grief..known to none but her..
debajyotibera: and sighs with silent despair with
teary looks at the sky, the clouds are all she knows
who have gone as far as him
akhilg080: she silently cries in the night, straining to
hear his voice calling her name, waiting for the
dreadful war to be over...
debajyotibera: but no one knows better than war,
he will never return, at least with enough life to
caress her
debajyotibera: he has gone far, and far than she
can see
debajyotibera: he has gone far and far than she can
debajyotibera: has gone far and far and maybe at
the farthest isle
akhilg080: but there is hope against hope....she
runs to the door everytime the postman knocks on
the door, hoping for words..words of love from her
debajyotibera: waiting for her there, in somnolence,
she only waits till she knows the way there
akhilg080: words that would give her
courage...strength to ignore the whispers of people
behind her back, calling her mad, a crazy girl...
akhilg080: but alas, "and they lived happily ever
after" only happen in fairy tales....and this was not
debajyotibera: and one fine winter morning, they
found her lying in the fields
debajyotibera: washed by morning dews, scented
by rose petals
akhilg080: exhausted from running in the snow...
debajyotibera: dressed in the colours of lotus
akhilg080: feverishly calling the name of her
debajyotibera: she has at last found the way to him
akhilg080: dead more inside than outside...
debajyotibera: and we see the end of yet another
saga of love
akhilg080: :-)