Dr. Abhijit Mitra. "My teachers are my biggest source of inspiration"

Asst. Prof. (DST Inspire Faculty), ECE Dept., IIIT Delhi,
British Telecom Research Fellow,
Office: B-305, Old Academic Building, IIIT Delhi, Okhla Phase III, New Delhi-110020.
email: abhijit@iiitd.ac.in, abhijit.mitra@bt.com
Bio: Dr. Abhijit Mitra has joined ECE Dept. at IIIT Delhi on October 2017. He has done his PhD in Elastic Optical Networks (EON) under the supervision of Prof. Subrat Kar, EE Dept., IIT Delhi and Prof. Andrew Lord, Head of Optics, British Telecom, UK. He was awarded British Telecom fellowship to pursue his PhD and has been working with the Optics Research Group at BT since 6 years. His research findings lead to world's first 1.4 Tbps field trial done between BT London Tower and BT Headquaters at Adastral Park, Ipswich. His research work has been making disruptive contributions towards the broadband telecom infrastructure and has been recognized by industry (Nokia Bell Labs, Cienna, Xtera) and academia (University College London (UCL), University of Cambridge, IIT Delhi). He has co-authored research papers with leading researchers of the telecom field. Dr. Mitra has been awarded research grants by DST, Govt. of India to work on developing highly sustained broadband infrastructure for the country. To realize this vision a BIT Group and QIC group have been founded where team of individual area experts have been connected to delever sustained and optimized solution for EONs and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Network. He has joined the VLC group of Prof. Anand Srivastava to develop last mile cost effective solution for National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) which connects 2,50,000 Gram Panchayats of India. Earlier Dr. Mitra has done his MS in Broadband Wireless and Optical Communication from University of Leeds, 2010 and worked with Dr. Andrew Kemp in WSN Labs, University of Leeds as a Research Associate. He did his B.Tech from Uttar Pradesh Technical University in 2009.
Research Interests: Elastic Optical Networks, Passive Optical Networks -Access Networks, Visual Light Communication, Free Space Optics , Quantum Key Distribution over fiber.
Teaching Interests: Mobile Broadband Communication Networks, Optical Communication Networks and Digital Communication.
Research Achievements and Awards:
Based on the research findings, the parameters for subcarriers spacing of 37.5 GHz for Superchannels and modulation sweet spot of 16 QAM for the BT UK network was validated in world's first ever 1.4 Tbps Superchannel field trial by Brtish Telecom and Alcatel Lucent in the BT UK core optical network (Links: BBC, BT Technical Paper)
The network model for OSNR estimation has been validated and used in study of designing better add-drop multiplexers by ROADMAP systems, Cambridge, UK and Center of Advaced Photonics and Electronics (CAPE), University of Cambridge, UK. I have been also invited by them to be the co-author for their paper which has been accepted by the reputed OFC 2017 conference, USA (Links: Paper Number: W1I.5)
Nominated for Rank Prize Funds 2018, UK by British Telecom for contributions to UK networks
Awarded DST Inspire Faculty Award by INSA, Govt. of India. in 2017.
Awarded British Telecom Fellowship by BT in 2012.
Invited project reviwer by NSF-USA and Optical Society America.
Working with me: Please explore individual group websites for opprtunities and apply.